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VALS™ Profiles: Women April 2006

About This Report

Periodically, the VALS™ team looks closely at a particular aspect of the VALS segments. Because women account for some 80% of shopping in most product and service categories, we believe that a close look at how different women see themselves will prove enlightening. This report documents the results of our investigation.

This report probes not only how women perceive themselves but also how they would like others to see them, what customer role women in each VALS segment play, and what women in each VALS segment look for in a retail experience. For the first time, we offer first-person profiles of each VALS segment. Also new is a peek at a few of the more negative characteristics of each of the segments. We believe that the positive as well as the negative side of each personality type provides insight into what motivates each segment.

Our hope is that you find these profiles both valuable and entertaining. As always, we appreciate your feedback.

Table of Contents

Innovator Women 1
Thinker Women 3
Believer Women 5
Achiever Women 7
Striver Women 9
Experiencer Women 11
Maker Women 13
Survivor Women 15